Discover the Benefits of IIFEs in JavaScript

Dec 04, 22


2 min read

Illustration of code snippet

If you’re a JavaScript developer, then you’ve likely heard of an IIFE, or Immediately-Invoked Function Expression. In this article, we’ll take a look at what IIFEs are and how they can be used to improve your code.

An IIFE is a function expression that is immediately invoked after it is defined. It is declared using parentheses () around the expression, which makes it a function expression instead of a function declaration. This syntax allows the function to be treated as an expression rather than a statement, making it a self-executing anonymous function.

One of the main benefits of using an IIFE is its ability to create a scope for variables. By declaring variables inside the IIFE, they are not accessible from outside the function. This helps to prevent global namespace pollution by keeping variables within the scope of the IIFE. \n\nAnother benefit of using an IIFE is the ability to pass arguments into the function. This allows the IIFE to be reused with different values, eliminating the need to write duplicate code.

An example of an IIFE is shown below:

(function () {
  // Code goes here

In the above example, the function is defined inside the parentheses. The parentheses at the end invoke the function immediately, without having to call it explicitly.

We can also pass in arguments to the IIFE, like so:

(function (arg1, arg2) {
  // Code goes here
})(value1, value2);

In this example, the two arguments (arg1 and arg2) are passed in with the values (value1 and value2). These values can then be used inside the function.

As you can see, IIFEs provide a powerful way to keep variables contained within a specific scope and to reuse code with different values. If you’re looking for a way to improve the structure and maintainability of your code, then IIFEs may be just the tool you need.